I've seen you're a stranger.
You aren't natural.
From what kind of culture do you came from?
Are you romantic, manic...?
Do you fall in love with everybody?
Are you a spy, a psychologist...?
Are you playing with serious things?
Do you feel ashamed of what we're doing? ...flecked.
Do you have the blame? ...not the blame but the fleck.
Millions of looks making you fall down. ...and my gaze whising all-of-you fell down.
Do you laugh at serious subjects? ...who decide what's serious?
Would you laugh at another mean? ...they hadn't got the only mean.
Would you laugh at important people? ...they hadn't got your mind.
Would you laugh at a masterpiece? ...they couldn't make you taste by their taste.
Would you be as they wouldn't want you were?...
[paranoias, Enero de 1996]
Salamandra de Gredos
La mayor parte de los montes están recubiertos de pinar de repoblación, y
sólo en algunas laderas se conserva el robledal autóctono, que a media
ladera es ...
3 comentarios:
Hey, mola, yo en el 96 escribia basura =D
En el 96, como ahora, eras más pequeñín que yo, aunque a medida que avanza la edad las diferencias se notan menos.
aunque no tenga nada que ver con este post...jejejejjeje, era la misma la misma la mismísima cabra!! jajajajaja, vaya! jajajjaja ;-). Tengo n fotos de ella, no podría olvidar esos lindos y mielosos ojos de cabra!!! ;-)
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